Your spiritual, learning, and caring community.

Sunday 3/9/25 through Thursday 3/13/25

Mincha (Sunday through Wednesday) 6:30 PM
Mincha (Thursday) 6:15 PM
Maariv (Sunday through Wednesday) 6:55 PM
Maariv (Thursday) 7:20 PM
Late Maariv: Join the YIB 10PM Maariv WhatsApp Group.

Read the most recent YIB Kesher here.

Purim at YIB

Purim observance begins on Thursday, March 13th, with the Fast of Esther and continues Purim night, March 13th, and Purim day, Friday, March 14th - 14 Adar.

The Purim schedule and laws for 5785 can be found here.

Upcoming YIB Events

Be-Aware and De-Escalation Training March 17th


Together on Tuesdays

Tuesdays, 1:00 PM, at YIB: Most Tuesdays at 1:00 PM, YIB is hosting a lunch with learning and discussion. The program, which is a project of YIB's NaTaN Committee, is entitled "Together on Tuesdays" and is open to all, but specifically designed for retirees and senior members of the community to stay connected, see friends, and enjoy a stimulating program. Each week the group reads, studies and discusses a story from the Talmud and the lessons that it conveys.

Please share this program with others even if they are not members of YIB. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would need a ride to get to the program, please contact Donna Lupatkin ( or Rabbi Hellman.


This program was made possible by a grant from the Brookline Community Foundation.

Shabbat Youth Groups

Shabbat Shalom in Hebrew.jpg
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Shabbat, 10:00 AM: Youth Groups for boys and girls Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Youth groups for boys in grades 3-5 are on a summer break.

Shabbat, 10:45 AM: Tot Shabbat for children 0-4 with a parent present.

All youth Shabbat morning programs will have age appropriate davening, creative games connected to the parsha, and more!

Please send any questions to

YIB's Learning and Video Platform

We are very excited to announce our learning and video platform which can be found at You can find divrei Torah and classes from Rabbi Hellman, members of the community, and many visiting teachers. Watch a featured video, browse the organized library of different series of classes, or search the library for a topic or person. We will be continuing to add video and audio recordings, so check it out and send any feedback to Rabbi Hellman.

The development of the new website was supported by a gift from the Zimble family in appreciation for all the wonderful Torah received at YIB over many years and in the hope of continuing connections to the YIB community from afar.

Moving to Boston?


Are you moving to, or thinking of moving to Boston? Young Israel of Brookline can help. We provide all kinds of resources to make your move go as smoothly as possible, including assistance looking for housing, schooling, day care, employment, Jewish communal services, and information on the local Boston community. Please email (, and we’ll be happy to make your transition to Boston an easy one.

Greater Boston Community Yoetzet Halacha Sarah Cheses

We are delighted to introduce Sarah Cheses, the first Yoetzet Halacha serving the Greater Boston Community under the auspices of the newly founded New England Yoetzet Halacha Initiative (NEYHI). 


YIB Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - Effective February 2023

COVID-19 Guidelines: If you are at high risk for severe illness, we strongly recommend the use of an N95 or KN95 mask indoors.

We remind you to please stay home if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed, and please mask vigilantly if you are feeling at all out of sorts.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the YIB office.


Sunday through Friday 3/09/25 - 3/14/25


Earliest time for Tallit & Tefillin ... 6:16 AM

Please note: Zoom links for the minyanim will be sent via email. **Zoom links are for the 1st morning Minyan only **
and daily Mincha and Maariv

** In-Shul or on Zoom **

Sunday 7:15 & 8:30 AM
Monday 6:20 & 7:20 AM
Tuesday 6:30 & 7:30 AM
Wednesday 6:30 & 7:30 AM
Thursday-Fast of Taanit Esther 6:00 & 7:15 AM
Friday- Purim 6:00 & 7:45 AM


Sunday through Wednesday Mincha 6:30 PM / Maariv 6:55 PM


In-Shul or on Zoom

Late Maariv: Join YIB 10PM Maariv WhatsApp Group

Mincha will be followed by a ten-minute shiur with the opportunity to ask questions and join the conversation as always. We will then continue with Maariv.

Please see the email for the zoom link.

** NEXT SHABBAT - Parshat Ki Tisa Shushan Purim


3/15/25- 15 Adar 5785

Candle Lighting 6:32 PM Mincha 6:35 PM Shacharit 7:00 & Note >9:00 AM
Sof Zman K'riat Sh'ma 9:54 AM
Sof Zman Tefilah 10:54 AM Mincha 6:15 PM
Seudat Shlisheet 6:35 PM
Shkia 6:51 PM Maariv 7:30 PM Shabbat Concludes 7:35 PM

Founded in 1953, the Young Israel of Brookline has become an anchor of jewish life in Boston.
Multi-generational families have created a dynamic and vibrant community which is welcoming to the many young professionals who come to Boston for school and training. This exciting mixture of people crosses all cultural, economic and professional lines. Whether as a new resident or a visiting guest, the Young Israel of Brookline has developed an international reputation for hachnassat orchim, extending hospitality to visitors and those in our kehilla.
